
Shot info on flickr.
So today, my mom's friend from Mexico stopped by and we went skating. It was pretty fun, she has a girl that is 4 I think (thats her in the picure, if you haven't guessed).
She kinda learned how to skate, but its the experience that matters. I also learned alot about Mexico, and Despite how it sounds like not that great of a place, I still really want to visit it, just for the experience.
Michelle, if you end up reading this, I want you to know that you guys should stop by more often, and i will come visit in mexico some day or even France!
You can also see my lovely backdrop, which is blue.
It's sad if you think about it. my equiptment list is;
A torn and crinkled backdrop donated by the school.
A mechanic light
A flood light
Table lamps.
Hence, the colours aren't very true. but I'm workin on it.
I also find, kids are ALOT easier to get pictures of than people my age. It really pisses me off. how are you supposed to get good at taking pictures of people if EVERYONE HIDES WHEN YOU TRY TO TAKE ONE! If I am scary or there is something severely wrong with me which is causing this, please, let me know now.
I have a feeling that people believe I will take a bad picture, and then do something with it that will embarass them or something. Now this is just a theory, but no one has said anyways, so I will assume its valitidy.
A I dont post of facebook, so no one will see it.
B no one on flickr cares about how good the person in the picture looks, its mostly about the picture itself.
C Why would I post a bad picture of a person. If ANYTHING, that just makes me a bad photograhper. Believe me, I if i take a bad picure, it affect me 100x more than you.
I think I want to get good at photography so that when those people who wouldnt let me take their pictures want their portraits done or something and come to me, I can tell them to screw off.
Tmmrw I was gonna go downtown, but apparently I'm just playing coutnerstrike. I have a life, I sware.
I had more to say, but I forgot.
'till tmmrw,