
true colours, and that's why I love you.


When's the last time you read the newspaper?

when's thelast time you read an article in the newspaper?

whens the last time you picked the newspaper off your front door, instead of having someone else have do it for you whenever you came over?

I have friends that read the front pages of the paper, some that check sports, and some that don't know what do to with the rolled up thing on their door.

Why are papers given out?

first thing that comes to mind - information. it's there to inform you, says I. It's there to provide information that you would like to be aware of, and then some that you wouldn't, but end up becoming aware of anyways.

I think our generation has a problem.

not enough people read the newspaper.

I mean, if you think about it, why would someone?

its not as entertaining as ps3, or halo (wooo!), and reading takes more time and effort than listening to your mp3.

But then again, in the end, I don't think reading the paper is about you.

They say that ignorance is bliss, and this applies to the paper as well. I mean, how can you have an opinion on something if you didn't know it happened? and how can you know you'd be interested in some piece of information that you didn't know existed? i read an article linking cancer to cell-phone use today. no shit, everything causes cancer, but i think that, as the technology generation, most of my friends would be interested in that article.

I'm dragging on, and on, and I don't know why, but the point is, I think people should read the newpaper more. For example, when you wake up, look through the paper while your eggo is toasting, find an interesting article in the main section (which means that it excludes fashion and sports, although equally important, current events are alot more pressing), and take it with you. a front page article can take anywhere from 3 to 7 minutes to read, which is not alot of time. for me, it's half a bus-ride, or the time i'm in class before the bell. if you can't set aside 3-7 minutes in your day to read an article, you have bigger time-managment issues.

I'm going to start doing it, and I hope some of you do the same. I don't know what's going to come out of this, but i think it will be cool.

SO...my article for today (other than celly-phoney):

harsh words between Adam van-k and elvis stojko, elvis said that he wanted canadian athletes to consider china's human rights reputation before accepting to go to olympics. adam was offended, and said that stojko's answer woudl probably be different if it was his olympics.

(ps this was in the liberal, congrats to alex and Josh for making front pic!)

interesting views on the china case, but i think stojko 'wins' here. stojko simply made a comment, i think adam took it way to seriously and personally. he wasnt saying "don't go to china", it was simply a valid comment. on the other hand, adam has every right to be offended by this comment, because hell, if someone told me to miss out an opportunity of a life time, i'd tell them the same thing.

overall, i think stojko wins (even though its not really something you can 'win') simply because he wasjsut stating his view, and it was completely valid and non-direct at any athlete. Adam kind of attacked stojko in return, which i beleive was uncalled for.

so there you have it, an article that took me 3 minutes to read while waiting for my eggo, and suddenly, i'm aware of how the whole china situation is affecting someone i look up to (van-k), and stojko, who's from this area.

i'll post more as i read more.

peace, and really, try it out!


Trillium's on a may's day.

Trilliums on a May's day.

Smaller size on flickr (click the pick)



no picture today, only me talking.

so those bridges i had set up in the forest, for biking, yeah that kid destroyed them again.

the guts, to rip (literally) apart mine, and then take the wood and use it to put up a bridge at his site.

another one, he just took, and put it up at his place.

now, hes a kid, i get that, kids do dumb things.
but to take away my shit and use it for himself, i cant describe how i feel about that

i mean, we're aiming for the same fucking goal, i dont know if he thinks its a competition or something it just makes no sense.

do you understand what i'm getting at?

theres NO REASONING, like, why would you do that? i'm not so much mad that my (and alex's) work is wasted, its the reason behind why it happened.

and again, i'm not so much depressed about my loss, but i'm depressed that theres actually a kid in this world, who has been brought up by a mother and a father, and he is so cold as to not see enough unjust in this act to prevent him from doing it.

alex, jon, david, anyone at friday night sports, let's go check these kids out.




lame season, could have done better.


It was a great day.

It was a great day,

It was a great day when I took this picture, along with a few others I really liked.

But, this was just one of those moments, looking at this dock, where you can do nothing but say to yourself; 'it's GOTTA be owned by the Town of Richmond Hill.'

clic on the pic for my for my poetic....version of this picture ( I couldn't find a word that rhymed again)

ultimate frisbee.

ultimate frisbee.


Sticks and Stones.

Sticks and stones.

Smaller version on flickr (click on tha pic).


submerged in your contradictions.

Submerged in your contradictions.

I hope you all felt something in that last post. Here's a happier note, I thought to myself, only to realize that this was the bridge with the fence put up to prevent people from jumping off (and we're not talking accidental jumps.) Whats wrong with our world?

'Adds a nice touch for all the wrong reasons.


'sad sad situation.

Ok, so I'm sure you are all aware of the situation that happened overnight at Lake Wilcox. Three men, one 17, one 19, and the other 21, took out a red canoe at roughly 1 am. It was dark and windy, and the canoe tipped, putting all three men in the water. An on-board anchor went down, and held the canoe in the place it capsized. The 17 year old swam to shore, yet the 17 and 19 year old were not found, and are presumed dead.

I heard when I woke up, from a friend on msn. It was a shock, obviously something like this happening so close to home, but also because I paddle on that lake.

I heard that the canoe they had was taken from a nearby club. Nearby club, nearby club....oh, maybe it was Richmond Hill canoe club. Which sucks even more because I had two red canoes over there which I was fixing up, and one of them had recently been stolen. At this point, I'm at home, feeling that 2 guys drowned in one of my canoes.

My mom got home about an hour later, and she took the up to the club. To check it out.

a grim gathering.

When I got there, the place was a mess. Cops and ambulances everywhere, it was crazy. Crazy in a "this is actually happening" sort of way, but the general feeling was kind of grim and saddening. There was some media there, small people like AM1040, and A-channel news. A few photographers as well. The two photographers were looking at each others pictures, bragging about them and even laughing once and a while, which was weird because I never thought I'd hear a laugh at a death scene.

I took some shots, I felt really uncomfortable because I felt like I didn't belong there.

I asked bob if the canoe was mine, and he said it wasn't, so I was kind of glad. I wanted to take More pictures, but my mom said I shouldn't because it was "too personal and up close." I thought this was ridiculous, because a photo is a photo, and it’s not like I'm sticking my lens in any one's faces or anything.

Then my mom proceeded to giving me the mother's point of view, which was pretty intense, but still didn't answer why I couldn't take pictures. Then I told her about how, as a photographer (I know it sounds weird coming from me, being only a kid with a camera), you aren't there to invade privacy, you're there to convey the emotion that's being felt, and capture what's really going on. that being said, you'll never get a mind blowing picture by staying your distance, you gotta be assertive in a sense, while still showing respect.

My mom finally agreed to take me back to take some more shots. On the way there, I stopped on the beach and found a "park permanently closed" sign, which I found ironic because after an event like this, it’s most likely that the shore would be barren anyways.

I went to the canoe club after this, and just kinda walked around and took shots. I avoided taking pictures of anyone; I wasn't really ready for that on a personal level.

I found some geese with goslings, which I shot with the police-infested dock as a background. I also found this shot to be ironic because the geese had their kids born on the lake, while just hours ago two parents had their kids taken away by the lake.

I took a few more shots there, before heading to a little parkette on the north side of the lake, with a better view of the canoe, which was still anchored in the water. I realized that, as tragic as this was, I didn't really feel that horrible about it. I mean, yeah drowning is awful, but these kids took about a canoe at 1 am on a dark, cloudy, and stormy night, while probably drunk and/or high. You feel bad, but realistically, if you're going to go do that, there not much anyone can do for you. PS they didn't have life-jackets.

At the park, I sat down on a rock, and just shot randomly. I Thought that the canoe I was looking at, the canoe that two people died in, still actually could be mine, because there was no way of telling for sure until it was brought up on shore.

10 feet under and upside down.

I was kind of just self reflecting, looking at the upside down canoe. It was really awkward, the canoe just staying there. I felt as if the canoe was embarrassed, like a kid being bullied in the middle of a fight circle. it just wanted to leave, and not be related to this mess. its weird to think that in that EXACT place, only a few hours ago, two kids fell out of that boat, completley unaware that they were going to drown. I kiinda felt bad for it.

I'm looking for things I never want to find.

Finally, a boat with a diver came out, and dropped anchor about 10 feet away from the canoe. The diver went in, yes, one diver. For a search and rescue, which involves 2 bodies, and a recently- expanded search area (since they could have drowned anywhere between the canoe and the shore, on their swim), they only had on diver. Also, you couldn’t see your hand a foot away from your face in that water. The diver, right now, is probably feeling the lakebed, on his hands and knees, hopelessly feeling for a body.

Speaking of inefficiency, I’ll take this opportunity to bring up the fact that there were at least 8 cop cars there. K, I understand that it’s a big event, but what the fuck do you need 10 cop cars for, other than filling space. 10 cops, sure, but 10 cars, no.

desperately akward scenario.

Think about the families on the lake (which I saw), who have to live with the fact that someone drowned in their backyard. It’s the kind of thing that makes a responsible person nervous, even though it shouldn’t.

Some guy and girl from A-channel news approached me on my rock, and asked me if I was friend/family. I said no, I just paddle with the canoe club, and they left. I wish they had of interviewed me, because then I could have talked about safety, instead of just how great the guy who took a canoe out at 1 am on a stormy night was. I think the lesson is far more important than the story. But then again, if I had of said that on camera, the family probably would have tried to sue my ass.

Finally, I remembered how the search area had been extended. That is the weediest part of the lake, which means it’s horrible to paddle through, but more importantly harder to swim through and to look for bodies through. It was quite possible that a body was 5 feet away from my rock on the shore, which was really chilling (literally, not slang-wise).

what a beautiful mess, this is.

My last thought was of how a pretty place this was... from that little parkette, I'm definitely returning to take some non-dead people related shots.

That’s about all I can think of to write down, I hope you guys like the pictures, in a tragic yet artistic kind of way. I also wish my blog was more read, so then I could get my ideas out there.

Please msn me with any thoughts, because you're too lazy to create an account and reply back.


Storm - Lifehouse.

One more thing, if it was my canoe, I would want it back, but would you really want to canoe in a boat that has indirectly killed 2 people already? Inviting.



Sorry guys, this is just a post for the sake of posting.


too late, I'm sure.

too late, I'm sure.

This baby ladybug was hiding in the flowers with her head hidden :(

Those flowers were only 3 mm in width, so terribly cute :(


Death by triangles

Death by triangles.

Mr.Choi is a decent guy, but I severely dislike him for his trig 2 test. the average for this test was 61%, compared to 80 for most other tests.


I mean, if one or two students did bad, acceptable.
If like..half the class does bad, theres probably something wrong, maybe people didnt study.
but if every single student found it redicilous, EVEN ONE WHO HAS TAKEN THE COURSE BEFORE, there IS something wrong with the test.

So long, Waterloo Architecture.


just, take a step back,

just, take a step back,

I wrote my testament to this on the flickr page.
Click on the picture.






Entourage '08

Entourage '08

click on the pic for more details.


To think of how far he could have gone.

To think of how far he could have gone.

Visit flickr for some insight.


Guess who's back

Guess whos back?

'You know when a field gets aerated, and they leave little things that look like goose crap behind? I have a MAJOR desire to put them back in the holes in the field.

Kittens holding umbrellas?

Kittens holding umbrellas?

Another shot from downtown. check the Flickr site for more.

Dark days behind us.

Dark days behind us.

Click on the photo to get to my flickr site, which has photos from the Exhibition and some stories.


baby, there's more to it than friendship, because

baby, there's more to it than friendship, because

Everybody needs a little cheese once and a while :)


I live on a hill, and it's pretty humdrum. I also take pictures.

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