
true colours, and that's why I love you.


When's the last time you read the newspaper?

when's thelast time you read an article in the newspaper?

whens the last time you picked the newspaper off your front door, instead of having someone else have do it for you whenever you came over?

I have friends that read the front pages of the paper, some that check sports, and some that don't know what do to with the rolled up thing on their door.

Why are papers given out?

first thing that comes to mind - information. it's there to inform you, says I. It's there to provide information that you would like to be aware of, and then some that you wouldn't, but end up becoming aware of anyways.

I think our generation has a problem.

not enough people read the newspaper.

I mean, if you think about it, why would someone?

its not as entertaining as ps3, or halo (wooo!), and reading takes more time and effort than listening to your mp3.

But then again, in the end, I don't think reading the paper is about you.

They say that ignorance is bliss, and this applies to the paper as well. I mean, how can you have an opinion on something if you didn't know it happened? and how can you know you'd be interested in some piece of information that you didn't know existed? i read an article linking cancer to cell-phone use today. no shit, everything causes cancer, but i think that, as the technology generation, most of my friends would be interested in that article.

I'm dragging on, and on, and I don't know why, but the point is, I think people should read the newpaper more. For example, when you wake up, look through the paper while your eggo is toasting, find an interesting article in the main section (which means that it excludes fashion and sports, although equally important, current events are alot more pressing), and take it with you. a front page article can take anywhere from 3 to 7 minutes to read, which is not alot of time. for me, it's half a bus-ride, or the time i'm in class before the bell. if you can't set aside 3-7 minutes in your day to read an article, you have bigger time-managment issues.

I'm going to start doing it, and I hope some of you do the same. I don't know what's going to come out of this, but i think it will be cool.

SO...my article for today (other than celly-phoney):

harsh words between Adam van-k and elvis stojko, elvis said that he wanted canadian athletes to consider china's human rights reputation before accepting to go to olympics. adam was offended, and said that stojko's answer woudl probably be different if it was his olympics.

(ps this was in the liberal, congrats to alex and Josh for making front pic!)

interesting views on the china case, but i think stojko 'wins' here. stojko simply made a comment, i think adam took it way to seriously and personally. he wasnt saying "don't go to china", it was simply a valid comment. on the other hand, adam has every right to be offended by this comment, because hell, if someone told me to miss out an opportunity of a life time, i'd tell them the same thing.

overall, i think stojko wins (even though its not really something you can 'win') simply because he wasjsut stating his view, and it was completely valid and non-direct at any athlete. Adam kind of attacked stojko in return, which i beleive was uncalled for.

so there you have it, an article that took me 3 minutes to read while waiting for my eggo, and suddenly, i'm aware of how the whole china situation is affecting someone i look up to (van-k), and stojko, who's from this area.

i'll post more as i read more.

peace, and really, try it out!

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