

I'min washington. I'm in a Marriot or whatever, and the keyboard blows.

THE KEYBOARD is small and sticky.

I didn't get to do the freed om trail yesterday, my sister was 'too tired'. and she calls herself an athlete. funny thing is, when she got back to the hotel,, she complained because she couldnt go work out. too tired to walk, but just enough energy to work out, eh?

saw famnily homes, it was cool. along winth hardvard and MIT. i liked MIT better, harvard was confusing and homo. plus MIT has a Frank ghery building.

Anyways, passed thour new york, but couldnt stop, except for popeyes as lunch called

we got to the hotel, and we went into thepool for 3 hrs (nicepool). I'll call tommorow jenn, i promise :)

anyways, i'm gathering shots, along with interesing info behind the shots, which i think makes the pictures more worth while. we're taking a tour of the city tmmrw apprenly, which will be fun. anyways, my time onn this balls comuter is up, so I will post tommorow after i call jenn.

peace folks



I think I'll go to boston.

So I'm in boston.

the trips going well, i'm on the lobby computer posting, haha. 3 days in, i'm halfway through my memory card Maine was beautiful, rolling hills, quaint little towns, awesome.

Family meet-up and concert was fun, good to see everyone and hear the music my great great great great grandfather wrote.

we went to W.s ripley's old home ( he's related to me), it was gorgeous with an awesome view (panoramas to come...)

Learned alot of family history...

-as in, WS ripley acually helped alexander graham bell with some of his expirements in boston ( he moved to boston from paris, Main to get a job), and worked just across the street from his lab.

-WS ripley's sister's husband, Hiram maxim, invented the first MACHINE GUN, along with smokeless gunpowder and the silencer.

ANyways, Boston is awesome, funny accents, nice people, lots of green space and INTERESTING HISTORY (it's amazing). We spend 2 more nights here before we head to washington, but i could spend a month here, just wandering the streeets, definately something I have to do when i'm living on my own. tommorow we hit up the freedom trail, harvard (WS ripley donated his house to harvard, so TECHNICALLY it's mine), MIT, ICA, and some other place. can't post pics, only text blogs till i get back. I'll try to post tommorow as well,

goodnight folks, peace!




Today I put my cat down, great way to start off the day. We'll miss you mimo.

We leave for Maine tommorow, and it's been stressful. Everyone's on edge and pissing everyone else off. The trip soudns awesome, except it will mostly be "spend family time" stuff, which blows. I'd MUCH rather wander on my own. no distractions, I can hear people argue at any time, why would i want to on vacation?

Hopefully when I get back I'll have some good shots to put up, but I can't promise anything.

'till then, peace.


She's a much more beautiful person than you'll ever know.

She's a much more beautiful person than you'll ever know.

Give the article a quick read, its only about 15 lines long.


A Friend's parent told me about this incident, and she also said something along the lines of 'if you don't see the humor in this world, you will eventually go crazy.'

Now, I don't find this funny, but she's right. I mean, there are so many horrible things going on in the world that we see, that being only the tip of the ice berg, that if you took everything seriously, you'd become depressed or insane.

I think the real problem is that people do not take this kind of thing seriously enough. there's a difference between laughing at something, and understanding the situation, and then making reference at the humorous side. I believe that when people hear about this kind of thing, they just say 'this is horrible' and walk away.

First of all, it's her birthday, give her a break. she can read tommorow. well she could read tommorow if you hadn't of killed her. I understand thatin some cultures, authority is stricter and..taken more seriously than in canada, but that's redicilous. plus, she had a history of family violence, so she's probably a bit insane.

'good' is how I'd probably react, and it progressively gets worse and worse.

Good: If it was my daughter's birthday, I would not make her read. she can read tommorow, today she gets to enjoy herself, it's called celebration. People in Nazi labour camps used to celebrate birthdays by giving a spoonful of their daily soup to the birthday person. If people in Auschwitz have enough spirit to celebrate a birthday, then a girl in Chile can afford to celebrate.

Bad: My daughter can celebrate her birthday, of course, but I still want her to read, it's part of the cirriculum. she can read a little bit if the book, say, 5-10 minutes (which is a good portion, knowing that this is a book for a 9 year old). that's 10 min max ouf ot 8 hours you're awake, plenty of time left to study.

Ugly: I force my daughter to read her book. it doesn't matter what day it is, you still have to read. she refuses to read, so I refuse to let her celebrate her birthday. no cake, no friends over ( I doubt they have the same birthday treatment in chile, but you get the point).

Ohmygod:I force her to read her book, and she will respect and listen to me as her parent. she refuses to read. I tell her again, but she still refuses. I hit her and punch her. I then kick her , and then throw her against the wall. she feels nauseous, passes out. Realizing that what I did wasn't the smartest idea, i drive her to a hospital, where she dies. because she didn't want to read on her birthday.

I broke this down into good, bad, ugly, ohmygod, trying to show you my view on how unrealistic and pathetic this is. for all you litigous people, i'm not insulting anyone's parenting choice (intentionally), i'm just trying to get my point across.

Now, my main focus here is the use of logic.

I'm sure the parent did not mean to kill her daughter, but that's what happened, and i'm running with facts, not wishes.

The consequence for the action makes no sense whatsoever.

I'm at a loss of words to describe how little logic there is.

I mean, how is violence going to make her understand why she should do her homework on her birthday, let alone actually make her do her homework.

Hitting her, that's abuse, but it happens.

throwing her up against furniture? this is when you must take a step back, look at what your doing. does throwing your daughter around in her house have to do with homework? if it doesn't, then why are you doing it?

after she passes out, the mother probably says "shit, I shouldn't have done that," drives her to the hospital, where she dies. at this point, she realises that she went too far, but had she of taken a step back while she was THROWING HER DAUGHTER AGAINST FURNITURE, she probably would have realized that she was going to far, and thus saved her daughter from herself.

I feel lightly angry at how tragic this is.

I'd really like feedback, thanks.

PS, Sorry if i hurt any feelings/enraged any people, I didn't mean to, and this is just personal opinion.

'with a glare that could pierce steel.

'with a glare that could Pierce steel.

click on the pic for the story.


Bubbles, the moose.

Profile of Bubbles, the eating moose.

Click on the pic for the story.




Tennis ad anyone?

Thomas Johansson at the Rogers cup, held at York university. pretty cool for the next little while, you'll be seeing alot of tennis/camp shots, until I get back from my Maine/Boston/Washington trip, and after I do a 4 day trip in Killarney.

Hope you like nature and action shots!


The world's on fire.

The world's on fire.

Sunset on las Friday from my house. Reminds me of war of the worlds.


eternal trees and endless peace.

eternal trees and endless peace.

Queer lake campsite, Algonquin provincal park, Ontario.


Into the wild.

Into the Wild.

sorry for long nopost.

I just visited Algonquin, prepare youself for an abundance of wilderness shots!


beyond stressful


I don't really care.
great, you think i don't know anything
that you think,
i don't think about my future
i need to be more fit
my career choice is a dead end
i'm never going to live the life i want

but i don't care
because you never say anything optimistic, so why should you be taken seriously
and you never stop, so it's nothing new
and i do think about my career, so come back to me when you can read minds

hearing you bitch constantly isn't healthy
because when someone hears something enough, they believe it.


I live on a hill, and it's pretty humdrum. I also take pictures.

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